Hormonal Health

Endometriosis • Infantile colic • PMS • Fibroids/Ovarian Cysts • Menopause • Hormonal imbalance • Thyroid disorders • Adrenal fatigue • Insomnia • IBS • Digestive disorders

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for Hormone Imbalance

Acupuncture and herbal medicine have long been used as a holistic approach to aiding in hormone imbalance. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific areas of the body to help regulate hormones and restore balance. Both modalities can help address underlying issues that may be causing hormonal imbalances such as stress, poor diet, metabolic dysregulation, and lifestyle factors.

Research has shown that acupuncture can be beneficial for those suffering from hormonal imbalances. Stress also plays a major role in hormone deregulation and too much can cause imbalances. Additionally, acupuncture can help increase circulation which helps bring more oxygen and nutrients to cells, allowing them to function at a higher level thereby promoting better hormone regulation.

Getting regular acupuncture treatments combined with taking herbal medicines specifically tailored for your individual needs can provide numerous benefits when addressing hormonal imbalances. It can help reduce stress levels while providing essential nutrients required for optimal hormone production and balance. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider if you are dealing with any kind of hormone-related issues since they will be able to assess your particular situation and work with you on an individualized treatment plan that best fits your needs.